Thursday, June 24, 2010

Under The Sea ..

This is the sugar sculpture me and my friend did in class for our practical. It is all sugar [minus the cake board] and it took us 4 days to finish. We started out with just colors and started playing with all the pieces and came together with the Under The Sea theme. I am in love with our final product! The vibrant colors, shine, and the flow of the pieces looks like a pro did it. We are very proud of our "baby" and are proud parents! I do not know if I will attempt something like this again, but I know I can tackle it if I want to .

Friday, June 18, 2010


Today I am hunting through bridal magazine and blogs like crazy. I am looking for ideas from other wedddings are finding the greatest idea..a dessert bar! & what a great idea to showcase my talents and bring more sweet treats to our reception ?! It is perfect. So far I have fallen in love with these little sweets and the bakers and decorators who did them are amazing! The pops of color and menu place settings are adorable! Who wouldn't want to sink their teeth in a cupcake at a wedding? I cannot wait to have cupcakes displayed at our wedding next to the wedding cake I will be making.

&& I LOVE these too! They little addition of color from the sanding sugar and paper cups makes them pop!

The table with the framed card adds romance in an unexpected way. They are beautiful cupcakes!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Oh Sugar, Sugar

This is my pulled sugar rose. The process for this thing is incredibly hard, my thumbs are raw and sore from the heat of the sugar. I am thrilled about this class and the skills I will learn. Sadly, my hands say no. We have to wear thin latex gloves and handling sugar up to 155 C is awful. The product outcome is gorgeous and beautiful, I do love my flower. Many classmates are more skilled than I am, but for my real first attempt I am proud of myself. The roses will keep getting better as said by my Chef because I have to (his words) but the next thing is blown sugar. For anyone wanting to try this please watch a class or get some great instructions.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hard Boiled Eggs

Today I am attempting the perfect hard boiled egg! Eggs are the hardest thing to get right everytime. It is not like baking, there are no measurements. Hopefully they will be fabulous because I have been craving them all day! I am looking forward to eating them lightly salted with a hint of pepper* YUM-O! Here are some pictures so far..I added a hint of color to one to add some flair.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Chocolate Box

This chocolate box has taken me all week. It has 3 fans, 3 straws, filigree, and candies inside. The box is made out of dark chocolate and the fans are white, milk, and dark chocolate. I am proud of the final outcome, but it was very hard and stressful. I'm so glad I had the oppurtunity to do something like this for my portfolio.