Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Creme Brulee*

Drum-roll...! Lavender-oil, rose oil, and lemon creme brulee! The sugar coating is done perfectly! I am very pleased with this dessert, sadly the chantilly cream melted due to the heat from the sugar. The garnish is just pate a choux, sprinkled with 10X sugar. The crack of the sugar was music to my hears when my Chef tasted it. The creaminess is delightful, such a good little piece of heaven!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Not Your Average Rice Pudding..

This little number is my newest creation in plated desserts. It is indeed rice pudding, but with some twists. That cute little bowl its in is actually Florentine dough, and the sauce its sitting in is vanilla bean cream angelise with curry-lime caramel sauce. The rice pudding began its flavoring with the boiling of the rice, I threw in some star anise and sticks of cinnamon. After all that bathing, the custard was flavored with cinnamon, cumin, black pepper, and raspberry extract. It smelt amazing, sadly I did not taste it due to my own non-liking rice puddings. But the plate looks beautiful and I've a very proud patisserie and baking student testing the waters in my class. Soon will be lavender-oil, rose petal, and honey creme brulee. Oh la douceur de vivre!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Plated Desserts

Today was my first experience with plating desserts. It was very...stressful. I had to keep reminding myself to breathe [a lot]. All week we had to come up with crazy flavor combos; well things out of our comfort zone. Trying to mix fruits with spices and herbs is actually hard. Just throwing extracts together does not always make a great and fabulous flavor. Well in the end with all the tears and sweat that shed it all came together. I was very pleased with my desserts. The baklava was filled with pecans, maple, and star anise. My pastry cream was star anise. The sauce was chocolate. Of course I had a garnish and it was a simple chocolate design. The second dish was a puff pastry, the pastry cream was blueberry all-spice with chocolate raspberry coule. The kicker on the puff pastry was it was atop a graham cracker crust! I got good reviews from the graham cracker mixed with the sauce. I hope to get better with each practice run and it will benefit me in the future with my career. I can seem myself enjoying this class and it will be over before I know it.

My baklava called Crunch of Warmth:

and the beautiful puff pastry named Spice of Summer: