Thursday, September 30, 2010


Lately, I've been stuck at home with a million baking ideas. So I baked them! I went out and got some puff pastry; store bought..I know, bad. Anywho, and I baked some palmiers. Those were my favorite things I did in school and love baking them. They are so sweet and crunchy and just all around delicious. My fiance loves it when I bake some up because he will consume about half of the batch. Here are the palmiers: they were so good :)

Next, I baked some champagne cupcakes. I've been waiting to try this for a long time and finally got the nerve to do it. I used a Spumante Sparkling Wine, the Moscato was all gone :( but I have tried two different recipes, and while both were good I prefered the second one I tried and those are the ones I have photos of. I also ran out of cupcake liners so I cut my parchment paper into squares and made my own liners, which I'm in love with much more than oridnary liners. The cupcakes are light and airy and so delicious. The champagne is subtle, but the flavor is still there. I love these little bites of yum and so does my fiance. Lets just say they won't be in the kitchen for long!
Champagne Cupcakes:

Friday, September 24, 2010

The beginning...

I am officially done with kitchen classes at Le Cordon Bleu. I cannot believe it. I am done attending classes at Le Cordon Bleu! My last day was bitter-sweet. I mean, I am thrilled; over-the-moon happy that I am so close to graduating and being 100% done..but at the same time, I am starting to get a little nervous and sad. I'm about to be thrown to the wolves of the real world in the baking industry where you don't get graded or second chances on almost everything. You can't afford mess-ups or breakdowns. The excitement definitly rules over the nervousness, but its pretty close in amounts. The last day was sad overall, all my baking sisters [the very close ones, my dear friends] were all leaving me. Lisa, the witty blonde sister was leaving for Germany for her externship a couple of hours of departing ways. Kacey, the one closest to me, was driving home to Gulf Breeze and then heading west to New Orleans to extern at Sucre. And sweet Taryn was leaving for Brooklyn today. All 3 of them going away, spreading their wings to explore the whole world of baking. I'm so happy and excited for them, they are going to go so far and learn so much. I wish them the best! So the last day was just a little bit of tear-jerker. Our sweet and dear Chef Naz said her little speech that got us all to tears was holding us together as a whole and it was so intense with emotion. Chef Naz has been one of the best chef's we've had all year. She has taught us so much about everything, I mean she took her time to make sure we did our best at everything. I hope she stops by the place I'm externing at here in Maitland.
My externship site is called The Sugar Suite. It is so adorable, definitly how I would set up my bakery. I am learning how to deliver a wedding cake, set up a repair kit, make more gorgeous gum paste flowers, covering shaped cakes in fondant and so much more. I'm beyond thrilled and giddy. The best outcome of everything has been the support from my family. They are all proud and it means so much to me. Zach is probably the most proud. I honestly could not of finished without him. He was there when I doubted myself or didn't have the strength to get it done. I am truly blessed for my family and friends. I love them all so much..
Well I am officially starting my career on Monday, September 27, 2010..!